Thursday, 28 November 2013

New exciting game!!

Try to keep Ben healthy by providing him with what he needs.

Healthy habits.

  1.  Pay attention to your diet: 
  • Follow the food guide pyramid to know the amount of nutrients you should take daily.
  • Your diet must keep a balance.                              
     2.    Do exercise:
    • Exercise  helps our muscles and our heart to get stronger.
    • We should do some exercise every day.
    • Practise sport safely. 
         3.    Get a good rest every day.

         4.    Hygiene:
      • Germs  are very tiny living things that cause disease
      • Our skin  stops many germs from getting into our body. 
      •  One way to avoid germs entering our body is to wash our hands.

      Nutrients and food.

      The nutrients provided by each group of food:
      • Lipids : oil, sugar and fats.
      • Proteins : fish, eggs and meat.
      • Minerals : dairy (milk, yoghurt, cheese, ...), vegetables and fruit.
      • Vitamins : fruit and vegetables.
      • Carbohydrates : Bread, pulse (beans, peas, lentils, ...) or cereals (grains).

      Explore the food guide PYRAMID

      Follow the link to know more about each group of food.

      Food guide Pyramid

      Monday, 4 November 2013

      Put Annie back together!!

      The skeleton.

      1. Our skeleton is also called the skeletal system.
      2. It has two hundred and six bones.
      3. The skeletal system has four functions:
        ·   To give shape to our body.
        ·   To hold us upright.
        ·   Bones and muscles allow us to move.
        ·   To protect our soft organs.

      The muscles you should remember as fourth grade students.

      Biceps and triceps muscles in the upper arm. Left: biceps contracted. Right: triceps contracted.

      Calf muscles: The muscles extending from the back of the knee to the heel 

      The full, rounded appearance of the shoulder is due to the deltoid.
      The gluteus comes powerfully into action to rise the legs (lower limbs) in walking, running, and climbing.

      The pectorals are powerful muscles that extend from the front of the thorax to the arm.

      The quadriceps muscle is a powerful extensor of the knee joint.
      The trapezius is a large, diamond-shaped muscle that extends from the back of the skull down to the lower part of  the backbone.
       The frontal muscle is located in the face and allows a large variety of facial expressions.

      The abdominal muscles are a wall to protect the abdomen.

      Flexor muscles and extensor muscles move the wrist.


      A joint is the place where two or more bones meet. 
      Joints allow movement and let our skeleton bend and turn.

      The Muscular System

      1. Our muscular system has more than six hundred muscles. 
      2. Most of our muscles move bones.
         Functions of the muscular system:
      ·   To Give shape to our body.
      ·   Muscles make other parts of our body move.
      ·   Some muscles also help to protect soft organs of our body(e.g. eyes, lips, ...).


      Tendons are strong and flexible.
      They attach muscles to bones.


      Ligaments are flexible and strong.
      Ligaments attach a bone to another bone.