Saturday, 10 May 2014

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Renewable sources of energy.

      Solar energy is the solar radiation that reaches the Earth. 
Wind energy is mainly used to produce electricity.
Hydropower is a source of electricity.
Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.
 Biomass is organic material from plants and animals.


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Non-renewable sources of energy.

Non-renewable sources of energy cannot be replaced.
Nuclear Energy is used to generate electricity.
Fossil fuels: 

    Friday, 2 May 2014

    Renewable Vs. Non-renewable sources of energy.

    Remember! Renewable sources of energy don't polute. What about non-renewble sources of energy??

    Thursday, 1 May 2014

    Uses of energy.

    We use a lot of energy in our homes, in businesses, in industry, and for personal travel and transporting goods.
    There are four major sectors that consume energy:
    • The industrial sector includes facilities and equipment used for manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and construction. 
    • The transportation sector comprises vehicles that transport people or goods, such as: cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, trains, subways, aircraft, boats, barges, and even hot air balloons. 
    • The residential sector consists of homes and apartments.
    • The commercial sector includes buildings such as offices, malls, stores, schools, hospitals, hotels, warehouses, restaurants, places of worship, and more. 

    Wednesday, 2 April 2014

    Water habitats

    • Pond: Small area of fresh water. The water doesn't move. Many plants live in and around the ponde. There are fish, forgs, turtles, ...

  • Rivers and streams: Fresh running water. They are the habitats for many kinds of animals and plants.

    • Oceans and seas: saltwater habitats. They are the habitat for algae, fish, mammals, birds, invertebrates, ...

      Tuesday, 1 April 2014

      Population and community.

      A population of animals is a group of animasls of the same type living in the same place (or habitat).
      A population needs water, food and shelter to live.

      A community include all the organisms living in the same place (or habitat).


      An adaptation is a way an animal's body helps it survive, or live, in its 


      Monday, 31 March 2014

      Land Habitats

      Land habitats:

      • Deserts: they are dry, hot during the day and cold at night. Organisms vave to adapt to difficult conditions.

      • Grasslands:  low rainfall, hot summers, cold winters. There are few trees. Habitat for zebras, lions, cheetahs or antilopes.

      • Rainforests: they are wet, sunny and warm places There is a rich wildlife. 

      • Forests: habitats with trees. Two types of trees:
      a) Deciduous trees: they lose their leaves in autumn.

      b) Evergreen trees: they have leaves all year long.

      • Arctic Region: low temparatures and low rainfall. Animals and plants are adapted to low temperatures.

      World's Land Habitats:

      New exciting game!!


      The habitat is the place where a community of animals live.

      There are two main habitat kinds:

      1- Land habitats.
      2- Water habitats.

      Wednesday, 26 March 2014

      Food Chain

      A food chain shows how every living thing gets the necessary energy to live.

      • Plants are the producers, they produce their own food with the photosynthesis.
      • Animals are consumers, they might be: 
                       -Predators: they eat other animals.
                       -Prey: they are eaten by the predators.

      Saturday, 22 March 2014

      Everything you would like to know about fungi.

      Click on the picture to follow a link where you will find everything you always wanted to know about fungi.

       Un iversity of Manchester